An elegant Pacific Heights sitting room is a study in the use of correct proportions and scale.
Chic sitting room with pre-war architectural detail complimented by eclectic decorative elements including a Moroccan window grate serving as a fireplace screen, a unique English blanc de chine primate figure, an Asian-inspired cocktail table atop a 19th century Afghani carpet, and an eye-catching octopus ceramic from the Amalfi coast. Side chair by Burton-Ching, fabric from Cowtan & Tout. Love seat by Todd Hase, raw silk fabric from Nancy Corzine, trim from Houles.
A grand classical statement. Sheraton-style figured mahogany cabinet with carved bamboo frame from Burton-Ching supports a pair of Mexican mercury glass candle holders astride an exquisite 19th century mica-inlaid Thai bowl from Therien & Co.Bookshelves offer an excellent, but often overlooked and underappreciated, space for displaying objet d’art. Here we are captivated by the singular placement of a fine bronze primate bust by Mexican artist Javier Brewster Brockmann juxtaposed with a familial collection of vintage pilsners from Libby.Create individual vignettes in your space to provide a continued source of inspiration, interest and curiosity.This is a superb way to display and appreciate your collections. For example, an intriguing “sugar spun” glass bowl, containing vintage Murano fruit, floats on a clothed table adorned with fabric from Brunschwig & Fils. Artwork, hung salon style, includes an Edouard Vuillard lithograph. Dog-eared balloon shades with fabric from Cowtan & Tout.Your home office should inspire and cosset. A glittering, mid-century chandelier with acanthus leaves encompassing an inner ring of candles castes a warm glow. Seemingly contrasting elements all work in harmony: African tribal fabric drapes the desktop, a 19th century Chinese red lacquer console table, free-form glass vases by Ron Mann provide a pinnacle atop a vintage gilt etagere. Executive office chair from Charles and Ray Eames.
Contact us today and to discuss how to transform your living space.
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